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Yoga - Health & Back



Various courses with various focuses, such as training the core muscles. Overall, however, the spine is mobilized in all courses, well-being promoted, tensions released and mobility and posture improved.

Due to the Corona-VO of the state of Baden-Württemberg, we are offering the following courses in this area from August 1st:



Yoga - back concept - fit in the morning - relaxation


Yoga is a practice for both the body and the mind. The physical exercises help to achieve more stability, mobility and ease. Breathing exercises and meditation draw attention inward. This helps us to cope better with the ups and downs in everyday life.

  • Yoga in the day
    Relaxation, meditation and self-discovery in the early morning. Yoga not only trains the body but also the mind. For a good and stress-free start to the day.

  • Back concept
    Exercises to mobilize the spine, training of the entire core muscles, posture training and finally relieving and stretching the muscles. A good workout to compensate for one-sided loads and prevent spinal disc damage.

  • Fit in the morning
    Gentle waking up and mobilization of all joints, breathing exercises and simple stretching refine the body awareness and leave a feeling of wellbeing in the whole body.

  • Relaxation
    Whether autogenic training, a dream trip or progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson. Here everyone can find complete relaxation after a stressful day or a busy week.

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